If your baby is ready to start solid foods, you need to get ready too!

Baby-Led Weaning: Start Solid Foods Safely with Your Baby

A step-by-step digital program designed to help your baby safely learn how to eat over 100 foods before turning one with education, guidance and support every step of the way.

This program is designed and taught by dietitian Katie Ferraro to help you get over your fear of choking, show you how to safely introduce potentially allergenic foods and how to get your baby to like and accept a wide variety of foods, flavors, tastes, and textures…so that your baby learns to love food from their first bites!

By the time your baby turns 1, they will try 100 new foods and set the foundation for a lifelong healthy relationship with food.

If your baby is ready to start solid foods, you need to get ready too!

Your baby is not going to magically wake up on their first birthday and know how to get all of their nutrition from food! I know the transition to solid foods can be overwhelming and confusing…so I’ve taken all of the guess work out of it in this easy to follow step-by-step plan for safely starting solid foods.

This program will work for you…

If you haven’t started solid foods and you want to learn about reducing choking risk and doing things right from the start

If you have started a few finger foods, but you’re feeling stuck and kind of like you’re offering the same 3 foods over and over

If you started with purees and you want to make the switch

…baby-led weaning will work for you!
"You have not only encouraged me to feel confident in baby-led weaning, nutrition for my little one, and understanding gagging but my little one has tried to date 41 new foods in less than 2 months. Plus my husband and I have even tried multiple new foods... Honestly, a very big thank you goes to you!!!" -Jen


Your baby will have tried over 100 safe, baby-led weaning foods…and your baby will have a solid foundation for a future of loving real food!

No more short order cooking for picky eaters, no purchasing expensive processed baby foods…and best of all, your baby can eat with the family from their first bites.

Here’s what else you’ll have when you finish this program:


Every module and lesson is organized and streamlined to move your baby through the three distinct phases of baby-led weaning, so that by age 1 almost all of your baby’s nutrition will successfully be coming from food


A strategic roadmap for helping your baby master trickier textures, safely eat allergenic foods and gain exposure to a wide variety of foods to help lower the risk of picky eating and save yourself valuable time, money and sanity while doing so


Over 100 combination food recipes for Phase 2 of baby-led weaning…these are recipes your whole family will love so that you don’t have to worry about what your baby is having for dinner tonight, because the recipes are right there


Support resources, including grocery lists, meal plans, checklists and cheat sheets designed to help you and your baby achieve important feeding and nutrition milestones so that you don’t have to go hunting and pecking all over the internet to figure it out on your own


Access to the original 100 FIRST FOODS content library with instructions, videos, resources and recipes on how to safely make every food for your baby’s current age and stage, so that you’ll never wonder if you’re doing baby-led weaning the right way


An easy to follow, evidence-based plan for helping your baby safely eat over 100 foods before turning 1 so that you can enjoy this next phase while your friends and family comment on what an amazing eater your baby is

Who is this For?

This baby-led weaning program will work for you if:
  • You haven’t begun solid foods yet and you’re feeling overwhelmed or not sure where to start. This is a step-by-step plan for safely introducing your baby to age-appropriate solid foods with all of the resources you need located in one place.
  • ​You’re doing “purees without a plan”...maybe you started with conventional spoon-feeding but you want your baby to try new textures and start self-feeding. This program shows you how to make the switch from purees, even if you’re scared of choking.
  • ​You started some solid foods, but now you’re feeling stuck. If you feel like you’re feeding the same 5 foods over and over, this program will get you out of your rut with a proven roadmap for raising an independent eater who loves all type of foods.
As a Registered Dietitian specializing in baby-led weaning and a mom of 7, I struggled with spoon-feeding my oldest daughter.

Then when I tried to figure out baby-led weaning with my quadruplet babies, there were no good resources on HOW to make the foods safe, or which order to feed them in, or when to drop a milk feed…

…so I created this program so YOU don’t have to figure it all out on your own either!

IN 2016 I created the original 100 FIRST FOODS approach to starting solid foods with baby-led weaning…and my program has helped tens of thousands of families give their babies a safe start to solid foods using baby-led weaning.

Your baby can enjoy food and you can enjoy feeding your baby!

Here are the types of people who have loved having everything they need in one location:

  • Families who want a tried and trusted plan for transitioning to solid foods SAFELY
  • Parents who value evidenced-based recommendations and guided advice from a credentialed feeding expert
  • Overwhelmed and confused parents who are tired of conflicting information online and want all of the scientifically backed information about starting solid foods safely all in one place
  • ​Foodie families who want to encourage exploration, adventure, and a healthy relationship with food in their babies

Meet Your Baby-Led Weaning Guide

“Your baby can eat so many more foods than you ever imagined!”

As a Registered Dietitian specializing in infant feeding and baby-led weaning, Katie Ferraro is the go-to-guru for starting solid foods SAFELY! 

She’s a mom of 7 and a college nutrition professor…and just like a lot of new moms, Katie struggled with spoon-feeding her oldest daughter Molly. Mealtimes turned into a downright battleground and she felt like an utter failure when she couldn’t get her baby to eat.

Fast forward to a set of quadruplets and then a set of twins (7 kids in under 3 years 🤪) and Katie used her nutrition training and a lot of trial and error to help her babies eat over 100 foods before turning one.

Baby-led weaning was SUCH a transformative experience for her family that she shifted the entire emphasis of her nutrition career to focus on baby-led weaning, and she’s now helped tens of thousands of families give THEIR babies a safe start to solid foods using baby-led weaning.

Katie is your no-nonsense coach - here to share her evidenced-based platform and proven process for safely transitioning your baby to solid foods. 

Not sure if baby-led weaning is right for you?

Whether you haven’t started and you’re just looking to learn, or you’ve done some purees and are ready to switch…in the second half of infancy, your baby needs to start getting more nutrition from food.

Here’s what other families are saying about BABY-LED WEANING with Katie Ferraro:




Instant and lifetime access to a comprehensive, step-by-step blueprint for safely transitioning your baby to solid foods. 

25 TRAINING VIDEOS take you through the 3 distinct phases of baby-led weaning: from what to do before you start, to Phase 1 where you’re mastering the first 40 single, isolated foods.

In Phase 2 your baby makes the transition to combination, multi-textured foods. And when you finish Phase 3, your baby is now getting most of their nutrition from solid food as you approach the all-important 1-year mark.



A BABY-LED WEANING TOOLKIT packed with cheat sheets and checklists, feeding guides and schedules, grocery lists and a pantry planner…plus a 10 day sample meal plan to get you started

…so you never have to go hunting and pecking all over the place to figure out what to feed next - it’s all inside of this BABY-LED WEANING TOOLKIT.



Not sure which foods your baby can eat? The program includes 100 COMBINATION FOOD RECIPES for Phase 2 of baby-led weaning. You can quit freezing pureed ice cubes and start offering your baby real food!

We don’t do rice cereal for babies any more and you don’t need to buy expensive or nutritionally incomplete pouches. The 100 COMBINATION FOOD RECIPES in this program are recipes that your whole family will love…and they help you reintroduce familiar foods from previous days that build your baby’s acceptance.



Not sure how to cook quinoa for babies or struggling to make pork safe? The 100 FIRST FOODS CONTENT LIBRARY is your hands-on guide for starting solid foods safely. 

The 100 FIRST FOODS CONTENT LIBRARY features every food from the 100 FIRST FOODS list with videos and instructions and recipes on how to make each food for your baby’s current age and stage.

These bonuses help you simplify the process and get your baby to love real food faster.

Gagging & Choking Guide

If the fear of choking is holding you back, my GAGGING AND CHOKING GUIDE will set your mind at ease. 

Babies who start solid foods with a baby-led approach are at no higher risk of choking than are conventionally spoon-fed babies…but that only holds true when parents and caregivers are educated about reducing choking risk.

The purpose of this training is to educate you about the difference between gagging and choking, show you how to lower choking risk and explain why gagging is a natural and necessary part of learning how to eat.

10 Day Sample Meal Plan

This 10 Day Sample Meal Plan is the perfect way to jumpstart your baby-led weaning journey! 

You’re learning a lot and there are so many new things coming up, and I don’t want you to get stuck in a rut choosing which foods to feed. I put together this meal plan so that you can take action right away with all of the planning prep done for you.

Baby-Led Weaning Seasoning Guide

Babies don’t have to eat bland food!

Spices and seasonings are great ways for your baby to explore new tastes. I put together this guide to walk you through exactly how I decide which spices and seasonings to feed babies AND which spices and seasonings I avoid. 

I’ve also included a bonus recipe of my all-purpose salt-free seasoning mix in this guide. This is my go to mix to flavor meats, fish, vegetables…anything!

Baby-Led Drinking Guide

I teach a lot about what your baby can EAT, but at this stage what your baby DRINKS also matters! At 6 months, babies can begin open cup practice. Open cups drinking supports meeting oral developmental milestones and is recommended by SLPs. 

This guide walks you through what to put in your baby’s open cup and what could be dangerous!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this an expiring program or can I use it for my future babies?

When you join Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro you have instant and lifetime access to all of the program features. This is not an expiring program. We are constantly updating the program with the latest evidence-based guidelines and research-backed content that will be here for you for as many children as you have! 

Parents often tell us that their decision to do baby-led weaning with the 100 FIRST FOODS™ approach is their best parenting decision so far. When you’re not having to short order cook for picky eater kids, we think you’ll be so glad you did this program too! 

I work and I’m busy and I don’t think I can make 5 new foods each week…is this for me?

All of the parents and caregivers in this program are busy people. In fact, that’s why they joined: because they don’t have time to hunt and peck all over the internet trying to figure out what foods to feed their baby or how to prepare them in a safe manner. 

This program is everything you need in one place…plus you can prep all 5 of your baby’s new foods for the coming week on the weekend. This program was designed with busy and working parents in mind and your babies deserve to learn how to eat real food too!

I don’t know how to cook. I hate it. Like, can I really make over 100 foods for my baby?

You do not need to be a gourmet chef - or even really like cooking in order to do baby-led weaning the right way. This program has 100 combination food recipes + 100 videos walking you through super simple preparation ideas for each of the 100 foods your baby will be learning how to eat. 

If you think about it…you have to cook for this small person for the next 17 ½ years of their life. We know it is DEFINITELY worth it to put in the hard work now, and reap the benefits of a child who loves all sorts of food down the road. This program shows you how to build that foundation for your baby.

I’m terrified of choking. Can’t I just keep doing purees?

Purees are an important texture for your baby to master…they’re just not the only texture your baby can eat. And you know your baby can’t eat purees forever. In fact, research shows that babies with the least amount of practice with finger foods are actually at elevated risk of choking. 

Being scared of choking is natural and it’s actually a good thing, because it means you’ll be more attentive to properly preparing foods for your baby’s age and stage to help lower choking risk. This program is designed with your baby’s utmost safety in mind and it will show you how to make the switch safely.

My doctor isn’t really keen on baby-led weaning but I want to try it. What should I do?

This program is designed for parents and caregivers as well as healthcare professionals looking to learn more about this evidence-based alternative to conventional adult-led spoon feeding. We have many doctors, dietitians and speech language pathologists who have taken the program and are fully on board with a baby-led approach to starting solid foods, even if your doctor is not (...yet :)

Inside of the program you’ll learn about the developmental and nutrition benefits of baby-led weaning, as well as language for talking about your decision to start solid foods this way and the research that supports baby-led weaning. Plus you have access to a supportive community of like-minded parents who want to raise independent children and forego force-feeding by spoon. You are not doing this alone, the program guides you on a path to success.

There are free resources out there about baby-led weaning, can’t I use those?

You are absolutely right. There are lots of resources about what baby-led weaning is and why it’s preferable to conventional adult-led spoon feeding. Many of these programs also feature unproven, arbitrary feeding advice and unsafe food preparation methods.

The Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro program is the only comprehensive online resource that shows you WHICH foods to make for your baby and HOW to prepare them safely. The program is evidence-based and is accompanied by personalized coaching and support from a credentialed feeding expert.  

In 2016 Katie created the original 100 FIRST FOODS™ approach to starting solid foods with baby-led weaning to help parents avoid the struggles about HOW to make the foods that she encountered when starting solid foods with her children.

Many parents tell us they joined the program because they were frustrated, overwhelmed and confused by the conflicting information they found online for free…oftentimes taught by people who are not credentialed feeding experts. This program has everything in one place that you need to give your baby a safe transition to solid foods using the baby-led weaning approach.

My baby is 8 months old, is it too late to switch to baby-led weaning?

It is not too late for your baby to learn how to self-feed. We have a track in the program that can expedite your baby’s new foods so that you can also achieve 100 foods before turning one. But that flavor window…which is the period of time where your baby will like and accept a wide variety of foods…the flavor window is not going to be open forever. Let’s get started pushing your baby’s palate with some trickier textures today. This program shows you how to implement a texture progression for your baby so they learn to eat a wide variety of age appropriate, safe foods.

What differentiates this program from other baby-led weaning programs?

The Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro program is the only comprehensive online resource that shows you HOW to make all of the foods safely for your baby accompanied by personalized coaching and support. Where other programs explain what baby-led weaning is or why it’s preferable spoon-feeding, here you learn HOW to make it happen - and how to do that SAFELY.

Katie Ferraro is a Registered Dietitian and is the leading credentialed nutrition expert in the baby-led weaning space. She is a college nutrition professor with over 20 years of nutrition education experience, and as a mom of 7 she knows the struggles firsthand of feeding a family and teaching babies how to eat. 

Her 100 FIRST FOODS™ program is a trusted and proven approach to help you raise an independent eater and help reduce the risk of picky eating…all while actually having FUN teaching your baby how to eat. 

You are going to enjoy this next phase too. We can’t wait to get started working with you!

Starting solid foods…my anxiety is off the charts.

Let’s talk about this.

Starting solid foods with your baby is stressful. Maybe you’ve just nailed your nap schedule…or your infant milk feeding routine is finally on point. Now you want me to mess it all up and start adding in solid foods?!

I know what you’re thinking…”How is my beautiful baby - who has ONLY EVER had infant milk in their mouth so far - supposed to start eating avocado and strips of meat and allergenic foods all of a sudden?!”

I get it. Every stage of our baby’s development brings new stressors, but starting solid foods can feel next level. Think about it: you’re starting out with a baby who at 6 months gets all of their nutrition from infant milk….and then, by age 1, we’re working towards a goal where most of your baby’s nutrition can be coming from solid foods?!

That’s a LOT of ground to cover in 6 months. Which is exactly why I created my Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro program. Back when I was starting solid foods with my babies, there were no resources on HOW to do baby-led weaning and I struggled and stressed and failed miserably trying to figure it out on my own. But baby-led weaning was SUCH a transformative experience - and so much less stressful than spoon-feeding, that I created this program to give you a personalized road map to helping your baby safely learn how to eat more foods than you ever imagined possible!

As a dietitian specializing in baby-led weaning and a mom of 7, I created the original 100 FIRST FOODS ™ approach to starting solid foods with baby-led weaning back in 2016. We’ve helped tens of thousands of families give their babies a safe start to solid foods using baby-led weaning, and your baby can learn to eat these foods too.

Nobody wants to raise a picky eater. Nobody wants to short order cook for different family members. And there’s no need to buy expensive, processed baby foods or force-feed your baby purees by spoon. There is an easier way: baby-led weaning is a natural approach to letting your baby learn how to self-feed and the 100 FIRST FOODS™ approach is the most effective way to achieve diet diversity (...and if you disagree, we have a money-back guarantee).

Close your eyes and envision yourself at your baby’s first birthday party (...it’s going to be here sooner than you think!) Your baby is sitting at the table, they’ve successfully eaten over 100 different foods, and they’re crushing new tastes and textures, loving new foods like sardines and beets. Your baby ENJOYS eating…and you’re feeling GOOD because you made this possible. You established your baby’s all important foundation for a lifelong love of food. 

Babies can eat so many more foods than we give them credit for…but they don’t magically wake up on their first birthday and know how to safely eat over 100 foods. This program will show you how - and I can’t wait to get started working with you.

Happy Feeding,


Refund Policy

I’m so convinced that you’ll love baby-led weaning, that we offer a money back guarantee if you’re not happy with the program. 

Customer Support

If you have any technical questions along the way, you can also reach out to our customer support at support@babyledweanteam.com 

Ready to go from overwhelmed to CONFIDENT feeding your baby?”

Your baby preparing to start solid foods is an exciting transition…but it can also be confusing, overwhelming and time-consuming!

The Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro program is a proven approach to help your baby transition to solid foods SAFELY!
  • No arbitrary nutrition advice…this program is evidence-based and has helped tens of thousands of families feel CONFIDENT in their baby’s ability to eat!
  • No unsafe food preparation recommendations…your expert guide is a credentialed feeding professional who will SHOW YOU how to make foods safe for your baby’s current age and stage.
  • ​No guessing what foods to feed next or wondering if you’re meeting infant feeding milestones…this program lays out exactly WHICH FOODS to feed and when, so you can get on with your life and stop stressing about starting solid foods.
Join a whole revolution of families who want their babies to establish a lifelong love of food…it starts with your baby’s first bites, and here’s how you can get started today!
© Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro. All Rights Reserved.
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